

appleのサイトによると、 accessibility at apple dot com にメールを送ってねと書いてありました。英語のみの対応だそうです。なので、送っておきました。


Hello. My name is Yukio Nozawa. I am a Japanese Voiceover user.

In the latest iOS16 update, there is a noticeable quality degrading of the following voice, compared to iOS 15.x. Is it possible to revert the wave model to the iOS 15 version?

Language: Japanese

Voice: Kyoko enhanced

In the latest voice, there is a high-frequency noise audible. It’s like when mp3’s bitrate is lowered.

I compared the size of the wave model.


  1. Go to settings -> accessibility -> voiceover -> speech.
  2. Add Japanese language if not available.
  3. Select Japanese.
  4. Select Kyoko.
  5. Compare the “Kyoko enhanced” disk usage.


iOS 15: 109MB

iOS16: 135.6MB

This implies that the wave model has been changed and increased in size, in fact it produced an audible compression noise.

Could you please consider reverting this change, or at least tell me why the change (replacement of the wave data) had happened?

Thank you!